Church of the living God Ministries, Church group picture
Children praying
Agape Children Home Children Praying
Oasis Elim School Children
Gospel Meetings
Agape Leprosy Mission
Pastors conference
Oasis Elim Mission School, Christmas Program
Agape Children Home
About Us
The Gospel of Christ was preached in India by Apostle Thomas in the 1st century, after some time Christianity becomes a confirmed religion to the Out-caste in the Indian Society. There are many mass movements were took place in the Indian Church History. By the harassment of High Caste Hindus. This was a physical conversion from one religion to another. At that moment, my forefathers also accepted Jesus as their personal savior and then they left that (untouchables) name and take the name of Jesus as their inheritance. Since then we lose all kinds of privileges from the a government which were allotted to untouchables. The Lord imparted vision to a young man Joseph Raju on 31st December 1990 when he is studying at Doon Bible College. He started Ministry in 1992 July 7th in a small a remote village, This ministry starts in a small house where hardly 3 people come on 1st Sunday service, later on, we start the Sunday school, there are 7 children attended. Week after week the church growth increase after experiencing the miracles in many lives, I used to go to the neighboring villages and spreading the good news of tract distribution and conducting gospel meetings at night in the street light After much prayer and guidance of the Lord and church, elders counsel Led us to establish Church of The Living God Ministries (Clgm) according to I Tim 3:15 from the Bible. The church of the living God ministries is a registered charity to run spiritual and social concern projects. As I was a Dalit boy I have come across many poor, Semi-orphan and orphan children, Picking up sticks for firewood, roaming on the roads as busybodies. My heart beats for them; unknowingly tears come out of my eyes, prayed for them. The Lord guide me to start an orphanage with 7 kids, now there are 70 destitute children in Agape care children orphanage. Now the children are singing, clapping and jumping and praising the Lord, getting a good education. When I was 5 years old my father left me at relatives house who is having a large family I have grown up there with life and death struggles to meet my bread until my 16th year, so that I knew what is hunger, poverty, nakedness, and insult from fellow mates. Would you like to show Christ’s compassion on one child?